Berlin Buzzwords 2024

Radu Gheorghe

Radu Gheorghe works mainly as a search consultant at Sematext, working with clients of all sizes on their Elasticsearch, OpenSearch and Solr projects. He is also a trainer and does production support for both these search engines.

Sometimes he helps out with the development of Sematext Cloud (an observability SaaS), mostly when it comes to Elasticsearch and log shippers (e.g. Logstash, rsyslog…). He also writes on the Sematext blog or helps other publish new articles.

He co-authored a book (Elasticsearch in Action, Manning), recorded a video tutorial (Working with Elasticsearch, O'Reilly) and was a speaker at a number of conferences, such as Berlin Buzzwords, LuceneSolrRevolution (later Activate) and Kubecon.




Heap sizing and GC tuning for Solr and friends
Radu Gheorghe, Rafał Kuć

We’re taking a stab at a definitive - yet nuanced! - answer to “how much heap do I need?” and “is GC a problem and how can I fix it?” for Solr/Elasticsearch/OpenSearch deployments.
