Berlin Buzzwords 2024

Olivier HUBER

For more than 25 years, I have been driven to create, to invent, and to acquire new skills.
I think one of the quickest and simplest routes between having an idea in our heads and actually making it happen is in the field of IT.
I love to share my findings, creations and experiences at diverse venues and conferences.
I’m constantly searching for new techniques to engage and interest my audience.
I believe that learning is supposed to be fun.
I’m a super passionate and high energy guy who loves to teach, speak, and train others in IT, soft skills, love languages and lots more!




Build your 8-bit computer from scratch
Olivier HUBER

Yes it's possible to create an 8-bit computer from scratch on breadboards at home with basic components and that's what I will demonstrate live with lots of blinking LEDs ;)
