Berlin Buzzwords 2024

Ilaria Petreti

After an initial experience in the healthcare sector, believing strongly in the power of Big Data and Digital Transformation, Ilaria earned a Master in Data Science.
Since joining the Sease team (in 2020), she has gained a diverse range of experiences through projects related to Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing for Information Retrieval systems.
Ilaria has been working on integrating Learning To Rank and Search Quality Evaluation in e-commerce ecosystems, with the goal of improving their performance and the relevance of search results.
Additionally, she is an active member of the information retrieval research community, regularly sharing her knowledge through blogs and talks, contributing to open-source projects, and participating at international conferences, such as Berlin Buzzword and ElasticON.


Sease Ltd


From Natural Language to Structured Solr Queries using LLMs
Ilaria Petreti, Anna Ruggero

We explore the usage of AI, especially NLP techniques and LLM, to enhance Apache Solr data accessibility. We propose translating natural language queries into structured Solr queries using LLM and metadata to improve search and user experience. We’ll discuss the results and future directions.
