Berlin Buzzwords 2024

Ilan Ginzburg

Working on search architecture at Salesforce in Grenoble, France. Lucene/Solr committer.
Holding a business administration and computer science engineering degrees and a PhD in parallel computing.
Prior to Salesforce, worked at Intel, HP Labs in Palo Alto and EMC/Documentum among others. Long ago wrote the Apple II computer game “Saracen.”
When not in front of a screen I'm usually either drumming, biking in the Alps or paragliding above them.




Search in the Cloud: separation of compute and storage
Ilan Ginzburg

Modifying SolrCloud to separate compute and storage presents challenges but is cost effective and improves scalability and availability. Nodes become stateless and durability is delegated to the shared storage implementation.
Salesforce runs such clusters at scale. The code is open source.

Palais Atelier