Berlin Buzzwords 2024

Radovan Bacovic

Radovan Bacovic is a Staff Data Engineer at GitLab coming from Novi Sad, Serbia.
Radovan is an experienced Data Engineer and “wanna-be” the best bad Conference speaker. Forever eager to discover new data technologies in an agile environment. He armoured himself with a profound application development background in large international companies around the globe, with a strong focus on the open-source community.
He is a passionate data geek delighted to share his long mileage and experience with a broader audience.
He has been trapped in the Data world for almost 20 years.
Passionate Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner.




Remote work is here to stay - and what's next?
Radovan Bacovic

A great chance to hear the experience about the future of work from the biggest all-remote company in the world. Arm yourself with the best-practices toolbox for the async work tips and tricks and leverage the context from the distributed work leaders.

Frannz Salon