Berlin Buzzwords 2024

Chinmay Soman

Chinmay Soman is the head of Product at StarTree, building the next generation real time analytics platform for companies of all sizes. Previously he led the streaming platform team at Uber for building a large-scale, self-serve platform around messaging, stream processing and OLAP technologies. Before that, he worked at LinkedIn and IBM, focussing on distributed systems and security. He’s a PMC member of Apache Samza and a committer on Apache Pinot, Voldemort, uReplicator and AthenaX.




Can Apache Pinot replace your OLTP database?
Chinmay Soman

Apache Pinot is a really fast database that's powering real-time applications across various industries, much akin to how people use OLTP databases. So what's the difference ? Are there scenarios where Pinot can replace an existing OLTP database ? In this talk we will explore this idea.

Palais Atelier