Berlin Buzzwords 2024

Remote work is here to stay - and what's next?
2024-06-10 , Frannz Salon

A great chance to hear the experience about the future of work from the biggest all-remote company in the world. Arm yourself with the best-practices toolbox for the async work tips and tricks and leverage the context from the distributed work leaders.

A great chance to hear the experience about the future of work from the biggest all-remote company in the world. Arm yourself with the best-practices toolbox for the async work tips and tricks and leverage the context from the distributed work leaders.

From the GitLab Data Team member, a first-face story about how the asynchronous way of working helps us manage the “chaos” (as folks usually think about remote work) in the 24/7 work environment. Vibrant session to expose the picture of the pioneers and advocates of all-remote philosophy. Forget working hours, timesheets, offices, and emails and join the ride. Will show you how this way of work brings joy to me and my 1600 colleagues from 56 countries and how we serve 30+ million customers with exactly 0 offices

  • Is remote work just a perk?
  • Various approaches to remote strategies
  • Why “just” remote work is not enough?
  • What’s the next level for remote work?
See also: Slides (2.4 MB)

Radovan Bacovic is a Staff Data Engineer at GitLab coming from Novi Sad, Serbia.
Radovan is an experienced Data Engineer and “wanna-be” the best bad Conference speaker. Forever eager to discover new data technologies in an agile environment. He armoured himself with a profound application development background in large international companies around the globe, with a strong focus on the open-source community.
He is a passionate data geek delighted to share his long mileage and experience with a broader audience.
He has been trapped in the Data world for almost 20 years.
Passionate Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner.