Berlin Buzzwords 2024

Monitoring your home, with DevOps observability tools
06-10, 14:50–15:10 (Europe/Berlin), Maschinenhaus

Looking to reduce your home energy consumption, to move to more ecological heating, or just want to know what's going on in your house? You need data, and graphs! Learn how cheap hardware plus devops observability tools let you do that!

If you want to reduce your home energy consumption, are looking to move to more ecological heating, or just want to know what's going on in your house, the first step is getting some data. Smart thermometers and smart power sockets are pretty cheap these days, but then what?

There are several commercial cloud solutions out there, but we saw from last year's talk by Steve Loughran how bad they can be. We have several good Open Source tools for Home Automation, but they can be a bit much if you just want to capture some simple data.

Luckily, there's not much difference between monitoring the power consumption of a rack and of a house. There's little change between graphing the temperature of a CPU and a room. The observability tools you're (hopefully!) already using in the DevOps world to monitor your systems can also help your home.

Join us to learn about the cheap hardware you need to capture the data, and how to feed it into standard observability tools. There will be code snippets. And of course, there will be graphs!

See also: Slides (2.7 MB)

Nick began contributing to Apache projects in 2003, and hasn't looked back since! He's mostly involved in "Content" projects like Apache Tika and Apache POI and Apache Chemistry, as well as foundation-wide activities like Travel Assistance and Community Development.

Nick works running development teams for startups, but the open source stuff is usually more interesting!

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