Berlin Buzzwords 2024

Build your 8-bit computer from scratch
06-10, 17:20–18:00 (Europe/Berlin), Kesselhaus

Yes it's possible to create an 8-bit computer from scratch on breadboards at home with basic components and that's what I will demonstrate live with lots of blinking LEDs ;)

Do we really understand how a CPU works? I will display and live demo a 4 lines computer program in binary (not even assembly) on a machine created on breadboards.
There will be blinking LEDs in a fun and passionate presentation of this homemade 8-bit computer created on breadboards.
Please try this at home ;)
That is my challenge with this project of bringing the joy of understanding computer science to the masses.
As usual, it will be be fun and exciting and be ready for some surprises!

For more than 25 years, I have been driven to create, to invent, and to acquire new skills.
I think one of the quickest and simplest routes between having an idea in our heads and actually making it happen is in the field of IT.
I love to share my findings, creations and experiences at diverse venues and conferences.
I’m constantly searching for new techniques to engage and interest my audience.
I believe that learning is supposed to be fun.
I’m a super passionate and high energy guy who loves to teach, speak, and train others in IT, soft skills, love languages and lots more!