Berlin Buzzwords 2024

Enhancing RAG with Neo4j Knowledge Graph
2024-06-11 , Frannz Salon

Explore how leveraging a knowledge graph combined with vector indices can enhance semantic search and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), enabling global insights beyond document boundaries

In this talk, we'll examine the synergy between knowledge graphs, semantic search and retrieval-augmented generation. We will investigate how integrating an automatically generated knowledge graph derived from a corpus of documents enhances RAG capabilities. Specifically, we will look at how this integration can overcome common limitations of standard RAG approaches, enabling the extraction of "global" trends and insights or those that stem from combining pieces of information from several documents (i.e. ones that are impossible to answer by simply injecting information from a number of unconnected retrieved documents). As tools we will use Neo4j graph database as the knowledge graph combined with vector indices, Langchain for business logic flow.

Djordje initially read for a Master's in Physics, made a detour working for an American software enterprise before studying Economics and discovering his love for IT consulting and data science.
Presently at Eviden, he researches robust and secure machine learning, aiming to optimize the public sector's integration of recent artificial intelligence advancements.