Berlin Buzzwords 2024

Synergy of Signals: Traffic Logs Meet LLM Labels
2024-06-10 , Kesselhaus

Discover how melding user-traffic signals with LLM-derived relevance labels can significantly improve learning to rank models. This talk unveils a novel approach to enhancing search relevance for query-product pairs, offering a glimpse into the future of e-commerce search technology.

In the domain of search technology, the precision of matching user queries with the most relevant products is paramount. This session ventures into the forefront of relevance engineering, spotlighting a technique that marries unclear signals from user-traffic logs with programmatically obtained relevance labels from large language models (LLMs). We focus on improving the labels used for learning to rank models, central for mature search systems.
We'll dissect the process of integrating user-generated data with synthetic relevance labels, underscoring the synergy between real-world behaviors and artificial intelligence insights. This blend not only addresses the inherent ambiguity in user queries but also significantly amplifies the performance and accuracy of search results. The presentation will guide you through the intricacies of collecting, processing, and integrating these diverse data sources. We'll navigate through the challenges this novel approach presents, proposing robust solutions and best practices for implementing this strategy effectively.

Data Science Lead for Search@eMAG, Stefana excels in leveraging machine learning techniques to refine relevance and user experience. Her data science expertise, coupled with a keen eye for detail, fosters rapid innovation cycles and adaptable and resilient strategies.