Towards a decentralized and collaborative search engine
06-19, 15:20–16:00 (Europe/Berlin), Kesselhaus

In this session we will share our vision towards an alternative, decentralized and collaborative search engine, from social considerations to technical implementation.

There are many alternatives to traditional search engines, culminating in the recent breakthrough of ChatGPT. Furthermore, the trend is to move towards decentralized, peer-to-peer and community-driven architectures, as the recent movement towards Mastodon implementations testifies.

We wanted to bring these concepts from GitHub, Wikipedia and Mastodon to search engines and build the platform - the collaborative search engine. We will show how developer communities can help organize information and build a new relevance model.

We will share with you the experience of this adventure: what we tried, what we learned, the limits encountered and the challenges to come. We will present the internal functioning of a search engine with its different modules, the architecture and the infrastructure, the notions of security and ethics, ending with the economic model and the prototypes currently in place.

CTO of Adelean, working with search and providing consulting services and expertise around Elasticsearch, Lucene and Solr. She brings her energy to leveraging search engines, as they become more and more essential in every domain.

Lucian Precup is the CTO of - the collaborative search engine developed at Station F in Paris. With his colleagues at Adelean, Lucian develops solutions for indexing, searching and analyzing data. Lucian regularly shares his knowledge in specialized conferences and organizes the Search & Data Meetup.